1. Fill Buckets!!
    2. Laugh together
    3. Help each other
    4. Follow the Golden Rule
    5. Encourage one another
    6. Compliment one another
    7. Respectfully stick up for each other
    8. Work together
    9. Solve problems together
    10. Are good listeners
    11. Compromise
    12. Care about each others' feelings
    13. Ask for help when it is needed
    14. Play together
    15. Share and take turns
    16. Talk with each other
    17. Keep healthy secrets
    18. Are trustworthy
    19. Think about each others' point of view
    20. Use kind words
    21. Apologize when feelings are hurt
    22. Agree to disagree
    23. Treat each other fairly
    24. Make responsible choices and set good examples
    25. Teach you things

    . ..



    1. Dip into buckets
    2. Lie to each other
    3. Call each other names
    4. Hit each other
    5. Kick each other
    6. Put each other down
    7. Cheat
    8. Threaten each other
    9. Push/shove each other
    10. Tease each other
    11. Criticize each other
    12. Pinch each other
    13. Yell at each other
    14. Get each other into trouble on purpose
    15. Bully each other
    16. Boss each other around
    17. Ignore the Golden Rule
    18. Make poor choices
    19. Gang up on each other
    20. Exclude other friends
    21. Create cliques or special clubs
    22. Try to get their way all of the time
    23. Throw temper tantrums
    24. Take anger or frustration out on one another
    25. Steal