• Occupational Therapy
    Welcome to the Occupational Therapy Webpage

    What is School Based Occupational Therapy?  Occupational Therapists help people be 'better' at their jobs.  Since learning is a child's job, in the school setting they help students learn  easier.  Occupational Therapists look at certain skill areas which may interfere with a child’s educational performance such as hand function, oral motor function, visual motor and perceptual skills, sensory awareness/processing, self-care and pre-vocational tasks. These areas can be addressed through a variety of intervention strategies, which may include direct therapy with the child, consultation with the teacher, modification of the environment, provision of adaptive equipment, and staff training.

    Areas that may be addressed by OT include:

    1. Improving physical abilities: increase muscle strength, improve coordination, develop and refine gross and fine motor skills and reflex integration.

    2. Adapt the surroundings: change or adapt the classroom setting and/or classroom materials to improve classroom success. 

    3. Teach new skills:  Provide the student with strategies for better handwriting, organization of work and alternative ways to complete activities.