• Music

    Music Theory

    * Not available in 2014-15

    Music Theory

    Mrs. G.


    · To become better musicians through the acquisition of a variety of musical skills such as notation reading, analysis, composition and listening.

    · To gain basic knowledge of the major composers throughout time. 

    · To improve our senses so that, musically speaking, we can hear what we see and see what we hear.

    · To find and embrace your inner music dork!!!


    · A combination of lecture, demonstration, drill and practice, composition, and listening.


    · Required: Work book (provided-don't lose), notebook, folder, and PENCIL. *with an eraser*

    · Recommended: Staff paper notebook


    · 100 % effort.  You may not excel at all the topics covered, but you are expected to give it your best effort.


    · You will be graded on the following: Daily HW, keeping (and bringing to class) an organized notebook, projects, quizzes, unit tests, and class participation.