• Varsity Wrestling Team Rules
    1. Be on time to practice everyday.
    2. Communication with the coaches is key.  
    3. Have a positive attitude in the wrestling room.
    4. Keep on top of your grades.
    5. No swearing.
    6. Work hard every day/Be a leader.
    Acceptable Reasons to miss practice:
    - Doctor's appointment*
    - Dentist appointment*
    -Death in the family
    -School-related trip
    -College visit
    Any other reason needs to be discussed with me or one of the other coaches. Also, if you are not going to be a practice for ANY reason, you or your guardians need to contact a coach BEFORE practice that day. Two UNEXCUSED absences can result in dismissal from the team. (As stated in the South Lewis Athletic Code of Conduct)
    * The coaching staff realizes that appointments are made based upon your convenience. We ask that if possible, these appointments are scheduled at other times so that wrestlers can come to practice in order to better themselves as wrestlers. We thank you for your consideration, and again understand your position.
    If you are failing ONE subject, then you must follow the South Lewis Academic Eligibility Policy on getting that grade above failing. You may also receive tutoring from Coach Makuch. If you are failing TWO OR MORE subjects, you must follow the South Lewis Academic Eligibility Policy AND get tutoring from Coach Makuch. Tutoring will occur during activity period OR possibly during practice time. Loss of mat time in regards to # of competitions and duration of time will be up to the coaching staff.