• old books
    “She was fascinated with words. To her, words were things of beauty, each like a magical powder or potion that could be combined with other words to create powerful spells.”
    Dean Koontz, Lightning
    What is AIS?

    Selected students can benefit from targeted, strategy-based instruction available through our Academic Intervention Services program. Classroom and special area teachers may recommend students who might be having difficulty in the areas of reading and writing. This recommendation is based on classroom performance and a variety of assessment tests. Throughout the school year teachers can refer students for the AIS program.
    How Decisions Are Made
    Classroom teachers are generally the first to notice a child is having difficulty with school work. The classroom teacher can refer a child by sharing specific information about the child's difficulties with the AIS teacher, school staff, and the principal.
    Classroom Performance:
    AIS teachers consult with each child's classroom teacher(s) to find out how the student is progressing in terms of completing classroom and homework assignments.
    Reading and Writing:
    AIS teachers administer diagnostic tests to individual students. Areas that are often assessed are vocabulary acquisition, fluency, phonics/word attack skills, sight words, and comprehension skills. Such tests can provide information about a child's particular strengths and needs.
    State Tests:
    We use the results of mandatory state tests to evaluate students. Students who perform below a state minimum score are given priority for receiving AIS.
    Program Goals:
    The goal of our Academic Intervention Services  program is to help eligible students do quality work in all areas of learning and to be successful in school. Literacy and a lifetime love of books is our ultimate wish for every student!