

Degrees and Certifications:

Mr. Dan Shannon

Welcome to my Global History & Geography website. All students must earn a passing grade in Global 10 as well as pass the Global History & Geography Regents exam to receive a high school diploma in New York state.  It is my hope that all students will be successful in this endeavor.
Weekly homework assignments as well as test/quiz dates are posted under my homework link. 
It is my goal to make class notes available on this site.  However please have patience as this is a new process for me.
Students will be asked to participate in a number of class fundraisers.  Our first fundraiser, the magazine sale, will begin in early October.  Students will profit 40% of the cost of each sale and will be kept in an account for use on their senior trip.  Each student's freshman, sophomore, junior, and senior fundraising money will be tallied and subtracted from the total amount of the trip.  Last year's senior trip cost $475 per student -- fundraising every year can significantly decrease this financial burden.  Our second fundraiser will take place later in the school year.