Making Good Choices For Your Life

Posted by Erin Monnat on 10/3/2017

Every year, I speak with the students about responsibility in the month of October. In the younger grades, we talk about making good social and academic choices. As students get older, that conversation develops into one about how a student can make positive choices for his/her future. In the third grade classes, each student completes a report card. It is his/her chance to be the teacher, and write down the grade they wish to achieve in each subject area. I challenge them to think about how the choices they make have an impact on whether the 4th quarter report card will be a source of pride or disappointment. We talk about how hard work, persevereance, asking for help, setting priorities, and doing your best determine the outcomes on a report card. More importantly, we discuss that the responsiblity to achieve the grades they have put on the report card, belongs to the individual. Students are always inspired by this activity and many of them are truly reflective as they record the grades they feel they want to earn by the end of the year. 


Fourth grade students are also invited to think about responsiblity in terms of working towards one's future success. Mr. Robert Newberry (former School Counselor for South Lewis), coined the Nine Winning Practices through his company Rebrilliance. These nine principles guide discussion with fourth grade students about how to demonstrate responsbility for one's own future and successes.


I encourage you to talk with your student about planning for the future. It is never to early to help kids think about the many possibilities that await them, and how the choices they make now are related to the future success they may one day enjoy. Success is a work in progress, and a lifelong pursuit, so it is always good to have the encouragement of parents along the way to help students identify and employ the responsible choices that lead to promising results.